How to manage reports list on BI Connector

Modified on Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 6:58 AM

Adding reports/folders to BI Connector cache

Step 1: Get the list of absolute path of the OBIEE report or a folder of reports which you want to use frequently in Tableau/ Power BI/ Qlik. Refer to this article to get the path from OBIEE.


Reports path: /shared/Northwind/European Orders

Folder path:  /shared/Sample Lite


  • Please make sure not to insert a Forward slash at the end.
  • If there is any '/' in the folder or report name, prefix it with '\' to differentiate it from folder hierarchy. Example: /shared/Northwind/Union of Europe and USA orders\/
  • When you enter the folder path to add to the cache, BI Connector will load every report under that Folder and its subfolder. So it is advisable to add Folders with less number of reports and subfolders. 


Step 2: Create a new DSN if needed. Fill in the Data Source information and Oracle BI Server connection information and click on Test Connection to ensure the credentials are valid.

Step 3: Select Reports option under Data Source Type. And click on Manage Reports List link appearing next to the reports radio button.

Step 4: On clicking Manage Reports List link, Reports Configuration Dialogue box will appear.

Step 5: To add the report or folder, paste the absolute path to Input box under Enter folder or a specific report path section.

Step 6: Click on the Add icon to add the report or Folder to BIConnector cache list. To clear the input box. Click on clear icon.

Step 7: Click on the Save button at the bottom of the Reports Configuration Dialogue box to save the list. Click on cancel to discard the changes.

Removing reports/folders to BI Connector cache

Step 1: Open the configured DSN that you are working with.

Step 2: Click on the remove icon to remove the report/folder

Step 3: To clear all the reports/folders, press on the remove all icon in the selected reports path section.

Step 4: Click on the Save button at the bottom of the Reports Configuration Dialogue box to save the changes that you made. Click on cancel to discard the changes.

Automatically include all the reports from "My Folder"

If you want to load all reports from the user's My Folder, follow the below steps.

Step 1: Open the configured DSN that you are working with. Enter the password and click on Manage Report List.

Step 2: The Report Configuration Dialog opens. At the bottom of this dialog, you can find the Include My Folders Reports checkbox. 

Step 3: Check the Include My Folder Reports checkbox.

Step 4: Click on the Save button at the bottom of the Reports Configuration Dialog box to save the changes that you made. Click on cancel to discard the changes.


If you have already added some of your 'My Folder' reports in the list, and also checked "Include My Folder Reports", then only the reports added in the list will be cached and not all the reports from 'My Folders'.